SEEDS - Stora Enso Design System

Digital applications

Digital newsletter

Marketing automation (e.g. HubSpot)

Most of the digital newsletters are sent via marketing automation platforms, such as HubSpot. When creating newsletters in HubSpot, please use the ready-made templates and designs that are already created in HubSpot. The graphical elements for the header and footer as well as a pdf showing how the newsletter should be designed, can also be downloaded from the BMT. If Helvetica Neue 55 Roman is not available please use Arial Regular.

Stora Enso digital newsletter marketing automation

Online (e.g. Mailchimp)

Digital newsletters can in some cases also be sent out via online services such as MailChimp or Outlook. The graphical elements for the header and footer as well as a pdf showing how the newsletter should be designed, can be downloaded from the BMT. If Helvetica Neue 55 Roman is not available please use Arial Regular.

Stora Enso digital newsletter

Digital event invitation

Digital event invitations are often sent out via online services or marketing automation, but can also be sent out using an email template. When using HubSpot, please use the event marketing frame and invitation template created in HubSpot. When sending the invitations via some other platform or via email, a pdf showing how the invitation should be designed, can be downloaded from the BMT. If Helvetica Neue 55 Roman is not available please use Arial.

Stora Enso digital invitation email

Social media templates

In order to make it easy to produce attractive and engaging social media content that follows our monolithic brand, there are several social media templates available for both still graphics and animations, in different formats. There are also more detailed guidelines for social media templates that can be downloaded from the BMT.

Still graphics

For still graphics there are three different designs available, in four different sizes tailored for different social media channels. All templates are available both in InDesign and PhotoShop files.

For paid ads we have created an own template. Please always remember when creating content for paid ads to A/B test different ad content.


For animations there are three different designs available, in four different sizes tailored for different social media channels. All templates are available in AfterEffects files.

Stora Enso social media templates

Microsoft PowerPoint and Word

All our employees have Stora Enso templates available in their Microsoft PowerPoint and Word applications. The templates can be found in both Word and PowerPoint under Stora Enso or Home tab by selecting a template. If you are missing Stora Enso templates, please contact IT and they will install the branded templates for your use.

Always use Stora Enso templates and do not create your own designs.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

Stora Enso Word and PowerPoint templates