SEEDS - Stora Enso Design System

Events and other


Stora Enso roll-up


  • Fairs, exhibitions, and other events contribute to the corporate image and play an important role in strengthening the Stora Enso brand. All stands for fairs and exhibitions should present a unified expression, regardless of division or unit that is the main participant.

  • Exhibitions should be simple yet inspiring.

  • Always use Stora Enso materials in exhibition architecture and furniture when possible.

  • Create a space that highlights and demonstrates product benefits in an engaging and unique way.

  • Placement of he Stora Enso logo should always follow the guideline.

White is always used as the background color for the Stora Enso logo, as well as to give contrast for images and other colours.

Stora Enso Exhibition example 1

Stora Enso Exhibition example 2


For the other applications, such as working clothes or other branded items, please contact the Stora Enso Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.