SEEDS - Stora Enso Design System

Print applications


In this section you will learn how to use our brand in print applications. Please use only the templates provide templates and never create templates on your own. If you can not find the template you need, please contact our Brand Help Desk.

Attention: Stora Enso templates are mainly InDesign-files. There are also templates for Microsoft Office applications such as PowerPoint. When printing on our own material, always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m²”.

The A4-grid

All A4-layouts utilise the same grid structure. The grid is a flexible yet precise tool that helps maintain a uniform look. The A4-page is divided into 12 vertical columns with 4 mm of space in between. The baseline grid is set to 11 pt. The upper and side margins are 16 mm, while the bottom margin is 17 mm. The bottom margin can be used for additional information (e.g. page numbering or references). The grid is already applied and used in the templates downloadable in BMT.

Stora Enso A4 grid


The template can be printed or used as a PDF. If printed, always use a professional printing house. The brochure template is in a portrait oriented A4-format to ensure efficient usage of paper and coherent appearance on all printed materials.

  • Please read through the photography, tone of voice and typography sections first.

  • Use any of the Stora Enso colours and tints on the spreads. Just make sure that the readability of the text is on point.

  • Editorial details, how to subscribe and other information should be written on the back of the brochure.

  • Always use Stora Enso’s own paper and have the paper information on the back of the brochure. When printing on our own material, always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m2”.

  • Recommended material for printing: Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 220 g/m2 and LumiSilk by Stora Enso 200 or 250 g/m2.

  • Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The Stora Enso brochure template can be downloaded for Adobe InDesign from the BMT. The templates files are available in A4 and A5 format.


The brochure cover should always have a large picture frame with the lower edge cut to follow the shape of the identifier shape. Apply the image you want to use in the picture frame and add a two coloured headline, always starting with black or white followed by one of the Stora Enso colours in 100%. Use the same Stora Enso colour on the identifier shape under the tagline on the back. The headline can be one to three lines but try to use two lines to create a unified look on all Stora Enso brochures. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid. Always use the Stora Enso Small logo.

Stora Enso brochure cover


The brochure spreads can be designed in many different ways. Either with one article over the whole spread or as in the example on this page with a number of small articles combined with illustrations and photographs. The coloured text blocks can be used in any of the Stora Enso colours and tints to highlight a certain text and add energy. Coloured blocks and images can extend outside the trim line to create a feeling of motion to the design. Headlines and body texts are always set in Helvetica Neue 55 Roman in black. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid. Always use high quality pictures and illustrations.

Stora Enso brochure spread


The back of the brochure can have one or many articles. The picture should extend the trim line on one side. The brochures always ends with a white tagline applied on the identifier shape in a 100% tint. To the bottom left there is a provided space for contact information with the same settings as the body text. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid.

Stora Enso brochure back


The magazine template is in a portrait oriented A4 format to ensure efficient usage of paper and coherent appearance on all printed materials.

  • Please read through the photography, tone of voice and typography sections first.

  • Use any of the Stora Enso colours and tints on the spreads. Just make sure that the readability of the text is on point.

  • If the magazine is printed, always use Stora Enso’s own paper and have the paper information on the back of the magazine. When printing on our own material, always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m²”.

  • Recommended material for printing: For cover use LumiSilk by Stora Enso 200 g/m² and for inner pages use LumiSilk by Stora Enso 130 g/m².

  • Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The Stora Enso magazine template can be downloaded for Adobe InDesign in the BMT.

Stora Enso magazine 1

The magazine spreads can be designed in many different ways. There are many possibilities in how to use the grid. There can be longer articles that run over a whole spread or the spread can include a number of smaller articles combined with illustrations and images. Use the same amount of columns on both pages of the spread. The columns should be the same width on a spread, but the width can vary between different spreads. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid.

Coloured text blocks can be used in any of the Stora Enso colours and tints to highlight a certain text and add energy to the page. Coloured blocks and images can extend outside the trim line to create a feeling of motion to the design. Always use high quality pictures and illustrations. A whole page can be in a background colour. In this case use one of the lighter tints for a softer feel.

Stora Enso magazine 2


The Stora Enso magazines have a two coloured headline as the name of the magazine. The name can be on one or two rows but aim to use one row to create a unified look on all Stora Enso magazines. The font size of the name depends on the length of the words.

The logo is placed in the top right corner and the size depends on the magazine name. The logo should have the same height as the x-height of a capital letter in the name.

Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid.

Stora Enso magazine cover

Spread and possibilities

Here are guidelines and some inspiring magazine spreads, showing different ways in using the A4-grid.

Stora Enso magazine spreadStora Enso magazine possibilities


The Stora Enso printed newsletter template can be printed or used as a PDF. The newsletter template is in a portrait oriented A4 format to ensure efficient usage of paper and coherent appearance on all printed materials.

  • Please read through the photography, tone of voice and typography sections first.

  • The identifier shape should be in the same colour in 100% tint on both cover and back.

  • Use any of the Stora Enso colours and tints on the spreads. Just make sure that the readability of the text is on point.

  • Editorial details, how to subscribe and other information should be written on the back of the newsletter.

  • If the newsletters are printed, always use Stora Enso’s own paper and have the paper information on the back of the newsletter. When printing on our own material, always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m2”.

  • Recommended material for printing: Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 220 g/m2 and LumiSilk by Stora Enso 200 or 250 g/m2.

  • Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The Stora Enso newsletter templates can be downloaded for Adobe InDesign from the BMT.

Stora Enso newsletter

The newsletter spreads can be designed in many different ways. Either with one article over the whole spread or as in the example shown with a number of small articles combined with illustrations and photographs. The coloured text blocks can be used in any of the Stora Enso colours and tints to highlight a certain text and add energy. Coloured blocks and images can extend outside the trim line to create a feeling of motion to the design.

Headlines and body texts are always set in Helvetica Neue 55 Roman in black. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid. Always use high quality pictures and illustrations. On the next page there are some more examples of newsletter spreads.

Here are examples on how the grid can be used and still maintain a unified look on all the spreads throughout the newsletter.

Stora Enso newsletter (1)

Cover and spread

All newsletters should have the identifier shape in the headline. You can decide which one of the Stora Enso colours in 100% tint you want to use. Use the same Stora Enso colour on the identifier shape under the tagline on the back. The headline can be one to two lines but try to use one line to create a unified look on all Stora Enso newsletters. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid. Always use the Stora Enso Small logo.

Stora Enso newsletter coverStora Enso newsletter spread


The back of the newsletter can have one or many articles. The picture should extend to the trim line on one side. The newsletter always ends with a white tagline applied on the Stora Enso identifier shape in a 100% tint. To the bottom left there is a space provided for contact information with the same settings as the body text. Please note that both font sizes and leading in our templates may have uneven numbers to ensure perfect alignment to the A4-grid.

Stora Enso newsletter back


Advertising builds Stora Enso’s corporate image in the eyes of the public. Consistent and clear messages, tone of voice and imagery are therefore essential.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

Copy based

The Stora Enso copy based advertising template has a large two coloured headline. Always use black and one of the Stora Enso colours in 100% tint. The identifier shape is positioned underneath the body text. Use the same colour on the identifier shape as the colour of the headline. The body text should always be black and the Stora Enso logo should always be placed on white background in the lower right corner. The tagline is placed in the top left corner in black. Make sure that you have plenty of space around the message to create as much impact as possible.

The advertising template can be downloaded in the BMT.

Stora Enso advertising copy based


Advertising builds Stora Enso’s corporate image in the eyes of the public. Consistent and clear messages, tone of voice and imagery are therefore essential.

Images used in advertising should follow the same guidelines as all Stora Enso images, i.e. they should have a journalistic look and tell a story. Images should never appear staged, ad-like, or cliché. This applies to both product and corporate marketing.

  • Please read through the photography, tone of voice and typography sections first.

  • Remember to make sure the photography follows the guidelines in our photography section.

  • Please contact the Stora Enso Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The Stora Enso image based advertising template has a large picture frame with the lower edge cut to follow the shape of the identifier shape where you place a picture. The two coloured headline can be set in black or white on the first part of the message and in any of the Stora Enso colours on the last part. The colour and placement of the headline depends on the character of the image to ensure good legibility and contrast.

The body text can be either black or white depending on the picture. The tagline is placed in the bottom left corner and should always be black. The Stora Enso logo should always be placed on white background in the lower right corner.

The advertising template can be downloaded in the BMT.

Stora Enso advertising image based

Small ads

The small advertising template can be downloaded in the BMT.

Fact sheet


The template for fact sheets made for Word is based on the A4-grid. The Stora Enso logo is placed in the top left corner and an identifier shape is placed at the bottom. The body text, set in Arial, is in 100% black, but a Stora Enso colour can be used to highlight a sentence or part of the text. There is an optional space at the bottom of the fact sheet to use for address or other important information. The fact sheets are available in all the Stora Enso colours.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The fact sheet templates can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso fact sheet Word


The template of the InDesign version of the fact sheet can be used in many ways. There is an identifier shape at the top of the first page and also at the bottom of the last page. The identifier shape can be in any of the Stora Enso colours and tints but use the same colour throughout the fact sheet. In this example shown, the identifier shape is in a 50% tint of Stora Enso Blue, while the two coloured headline is in white and 100% Stora Enso Blue.

The A4-grid is very flexible and it is possible to customize the fact sheet for different needs. There is a choice of having the body text in two or three columns depending on the character of your text. Images can either be placed within the margins, but they can also extend to the trim of the page. There is an optional space at the bottom of the fact sheet to use for address or other important information.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at group. for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The fact sheet templates can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso fact sheet InDesign



The Stora Enso invitation templates are in a portrait oriented A5-format, in two versions: a graphic invitation and an image-based invitation. On the cover of the graphic invitation there is a large headline. The headline can either be in one or two colours. (Please note colour options for headlines on page 30.) The logo is placed in the bottom right corner. There is an identifier shape running from the cover, through the spread and onto the back that can be in any of the Stora Enso colours or tints. On the back it is possible to include information such as address or paper information. When printing on our own material always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m²”.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The invitation template can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso invitation graphic

Image based

The image-based invitation, also in a portrait oriented A5-format, features an image on the cover cropped with the identifier shape. The colour of the large headline on the image depends on the character of the image to ensure good legibility and contrast. On the back it is possible to include information such as address or paper information. When printing on our own material always mention the type, e.g. “Printed on Ensocoat 2S by Stora Enso 270 g/m²”.

Please read through the photography, tone of voice, and typography sections first. Please contact the Brand Help Desk at group. for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The invitation template can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso invitation image based


The inside spread is the same in both the graphic and the image-based invitation. There is an identifier shape running from the cover, through the spread and onto the back that can be in any of the Stora Enso colours or tints. To the right of the identifier shape there is space for an inviting text set in Helvetica Neue. Try to keep the text short to fit it on one page. Additional information, such as address or paper information can be printed on the back of the invitation.



There are many options when creating posters in the Stora Enso style. The graphic posters can have large illustrations or headlines depending on the message and audience. The design should be straightforward, simple and use the Stora Ensos assets and colours. In the example here, a large illustration is used together with a two coloured headline. The poster templates are available on the BMT in three formats: A3, 50 × 70 cm and 70 ×100 cm.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The poster templates can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso poster graphic


The image-based posters use the same design as the imaged-based advertisements. An image is placed in the picture frame that is cropped in the form of the identifier shape. The colour and placement of the headline depends on the character of the image to ensure good legibility and contrast. (Please see different colour options for headlines on page 30.) Body text should be placed where readability is high. The poster templates are available on the BMT in three formats: A3, 50 ×70 cm and 70 ×100 cm.

  • Please read through the photography, tone of voice and typography sections first.

  • Remember to make sure the photography follows the guidelines in our photography section.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The poster templates can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso poster image based

Other examples

Stora Enso poster examples

Business card

The Stora Enso business card is always printed on one side. The only exception is cards printed in two languages, using other than Latin alphabet (e.g. Cyrillic). In this case the business card has the same layout on both sides. For more information on non-Latin typefaces, please see typography section. Feel free to use a local supplier of your choice.

Material recommendation for printing business cards is: Ensocoat by Stora Enso 250–275 g/m2. Do not print marketing or promotional information on either side of the business card.

It’s important to write “Stora Enso” as the company name instead of using legal names. The name of division or unit should be on a separate row with the word Division to clarify what it is. The content of the business card is flexible, you can add more or less contact details than in the example.

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The business card template can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso business card


On the Stora Enso envelope templates the logo is positioned in the lower left corner. This is the only application with this logo placement, due to the address field on the right side, the stamp in the upper right corner and the possible “window” on the envelopes upper left side. The tagline and sender’s address is placed on the flap of the envelope. Envelopes are available on the BMT with logo in colour and also as grey scale. There are several formats: C4, C5, C5 window and C65.

Material recommendation for printing envelopes is: BergaMail+ by Stora Enso 100 g/m².

Please contact the Brand Help Desk at for any questions and to make sure your materials follow the guidelines.

The envelope templates can be downloaded from the BMT.

Stora Enso envelope 1Stora Enso envelope 2