SEEDS - Stora Enso Design System



Films are a great way to communicate Stora Enso’s business, operations and products. There are many different purposes, targets and uses for films within Stora Enso. These guidelines outline the general style, tone of voice and specified visual guidelines for films, as well as guidance on the types of voices and music to use in films.

Films about Stora Enso should convey a consistent and professional image of Stora Enso to the outside world as well as internally. The purpose of these guidelines is to help you in creating films that are in line with Stora Enso’s desired position, main messages, and brand identity.

Apply Stora Enso’s tone of voice throughout your film, from script writing to voiceover selection.

Depending on the purpose, internal films can be done in various ways and styles. Ensure you always follow Stora Enso’s one-company approach and our Brand Guidelines. Use of mobile phone cameras in internal videos is fine, if it fits the style of the film.

Attention: If you are making an external film, please involve Communications as early as possible. Contact your division communication responsible and Brand team, and always follow these film guidelines.

Film content

1. Position Stora Enso as ‘The renewable materials company: External films should help in positioning Stora Enso as ‘The renewable materials company’. Our renewability story should be part of the storyline. Always use the official outro which ends with Stora Enso’s tagline. Communicate the benefits of our renewable materials and tell how we are replacing fossil based materials with our renewable solutions. You can find key messages related to our story on Weshare at About us > About Stora Enso > Renewability Story.

2. Follow our one-company approach: Stora Enso’s one-company approachensures that we convey a consistent image of a global company. All films that are made represent Stora Enso to the outside world and internally. Talk about Stora Enso rather than a division or business unit. Films should concentrate on Stora Enso’s business rather than talk about a division, function or a mill. If you make a film about a division or mill related topic, remember to link the film to Stora Enso’s overall messages as well.

3. Focus on customer perspective and value creation: Tell your story from the viewer’s perspective, outside in, rather than from Stora Enso’s perspective. Talk from the customers’ point of view; what benefits they get, how our products will make their life easier. Don’t talk about or show internal processes. Think how you would tell the story to a consumer!

4. Be future-oriented: Communicate in a future-oriented, inspiring way and from an outside-in perspective rather than purely covering our existing business and describing our own operations.

Imagery style

1. Show solutions rather than production: Instead of showing mills or production processes, show imagery of end use and how Stora Enso creates value.

2. Make it in high quality: External films should be made in high quality. To increase credibility of the message, it is best to use professional equipment and editing. As a general rule, don’t film external films with your mobile phone if you are not able to achieve a professional finish.

3. Follow Stora Enso’s Brand Guidelines: Ensure that the film follows Stora Enso’s Brand Guidelines and the visual guidance in this film guideline. You can find our Brand Guidelines on WeShare and Brand Management Tool. Always use Stora Enso’s official outro to end the film.

Visual identity in films


Use Stora Enso’s official outros to conclude your film. The long version of the film outro is 10 seconds. There are also 5 and 2 second outros available for social media.

All of the outros include an animated Stora Enso logo and our tagline “The renewable materials company” .

The outros can be downloaded from the BMT.


The graphics and other elements in the films should always follow Stora Enso brand colors. You can find more information about the colours in the brand colours section.

Text, signs and headlines

Use Stora Enso’s official typeface, Helvetica Neue, in its correct weights in films. We use two weights of the Helvetica Neuetypeface, 55 Roman and 75 Bold including italics. You can find more information about the typeface in the typography section

Signs and headlines can be used in one or two colours depending on the application and on which background the sign is placed. When having the headline in one colour it can be black, white or any of the Stora Enso colours.

Name plates

Name plates should be white rectangles. Use Stora Enso’s official typeface, Helvetica Neue, in its correct weights. If this is not possible, select a font that is as close to Helvetica Neue as possible.


Every location we shoot at should be representable for the overall Stora Enso look and feel. When selecting a location and filming, consider the following:

  • Make sure things on location are correct (safety regulations, brand identity, etc.)

  • Use natural light as often as possible and if you use artificial lights, create a natural feel. Avoid overlighting.

  • Images should be shot from an editorial or journalistic point of view, i.e. tell an interesting story.

  • Use realistic situations and environments. Do not make the locations look too obvious or staged.

  • Use distinctive cropping that draws you into the view and shoot from engaging angles and perspectives.

  • Remember that the subject is the hero. Make sure that the surroundings are not too cluttered or distracting.

Attention: Stora Enso’s films should not concentrate on showing mills and production, but rather show end-use, solutions and value creation.


Animations should follow Stora Enso’s illustration style. The Stora Enso illustration style must always express and maintain the visual identity. While there is no one exact style defined, illustrations must use the Stora Enso illustration colours and brand colors first.

Examples of Stora Enso's illustrations:

Examples of Stora Enso illustration style
Sound, music and voiceover


Use instrumental music that sounds inspirational and positive. Music with lyrics can be controversial and there are several legal aspects to consider as well as a large price tag for example when using music from famous artists.

You can find examples of music used and some suggested pieces in the BMT.

There are good sources for free or relatively inexpensive music online, for example:

  • YouTube free music for commercial use (Please note: some of the YouTube audio track makers require that you mention the track and its maker in the film description. This is mentioned separately in connection to the audio track. There are also many tracks which don’t require this.)

  • GettyImages music


Film voiceover should follow Stora Enso’s tone of voice. Make sure the person you select to read the voiceover sounds like us – approachable and down to earth. See section on tone of voice for more information.

Listen to examples of voiceovers used by Stora Enso: Renewable Future podcast or Company film.

If you use models

Ask models to sign Stora Enso’s model copyright forms. If you have children in the film, read through Stora Enso’s guidelines for using images of children, and ask the children’s guardian to sign a consent form.

The guidelines and agreements can be found and downloaded in the BMT.